Impossible is just a big word thrown around by little men,
the blood suckers or leaches of life and hope...
who find it easier to live in mediocrity
than to explore the power they have to Succeed.
Impossible is a term used by the Dream Takers...
and embraced by the ones looking for an excuse to fail.
Impossible is a word that is
mocked and laughed at by the Dream Makers...
The ones that live to make this world a better place.
Impossible is not a fact.
"Impossible" is a dare for Winners and Champions of life.
Impossible is an opinion from underachievers.
Impossible is nothing.
Sooner or later you have to make a choice.
Leave behind your passion and your dreams...
Have the strength to look past
all the negative, discouraging and pathetic faces...
And look at Yourself and know that
You have what it takes,
You will prove them all wrong
Mr. USA John DeFendis
the blood suckers or leaches of life and hope...
who find it easier to live in mediocrity
than to explore the power they have to Succeed.
Impossible is a term used by the Dream Takers...
and embraced by the ones looking for an excuse to fail.
Impossible is a word that is
mocked and laughed at by the Dream Makers...
The ones that live to make this world a better place.
Impossible is not a fact.
"Impossible" is a dare for Winners and Champions of life.
Impossible is an opinion from underachievers.
Impossible is nothing.
Sooner or later you have to make a choice.
Leave behind your passion and your dreams...
Have the strength to look past
all the negative, discouraging and pathetic faces...
And look at Yourself and know that
You have what it takes,
You will prove them all wrong
Mr. USA John DeFendis