Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Food Is Not the Problem... Food Is the Solution

Eating to Lose Weight & Bodyfat

While it seems harmless — and possibly even beneficial to weight loss — to skip a meal or a snack from time to time, this common scenario may actually be setting your body up to gain weight.

How is it possible to gain weight by NOT eating?

The first goal of the Ultra Fit Program is to eliminate cravings. Skipping meals and snacks causes exaggerated swings in blood sugar, which may encourage these cravings to return. This may cause you to splurge on unhealthy foods, thus reversing your weight-loss progress.

Skipping too many meals can prompt your body to go into starvation mode. In order to conserve energy and resources, your metabolism will start to slow down, ultimately causing your weight loss to stall. You will also lose muscle and not recover from your strength training workouts if you are not fueling your body with quality meals. This loss in muscle will also slow down your metabolic rate and stall all progress.

So what should you do if you're just not hungry?

Don't fall into the common trap of mistaking your diminished cravings for diminished hunger. If you're following the Ultra Fit eating plan correctly — eating regular meals throughout the day — you will begin to get hungrier but you won't feel as ravenous as you did in the past as long as you are eating all of your meals on time. By eating regular Ultra Fit meals daily, you will increase your lean muscle, increase your metabolic rate and look and feel better than ever!


Monday, March 2, 2009

Why Limit Sodium?

Why should I limit salt?

Too much sodium prevents the body from filtering properly which will cause your metabolic rate to slow down by working less efficiently. Sodium is a killer and anything high in sodium must be avoided. A diet high in salt can raise your blood pressure or may contribute to fluid retention, which makes your heart work harder, and may cause shortness of breath and swollen legs, ankles, and feet.

How much do I need?

Every protein food (egg whites, chicken, fish, meat, turkey) is naturally high in sodium but is necessary for a healthy diet to build muscle and lose fat. Therefore it is important to avoid any foods that have salt, sodium, sodium benzoate and any other sodium preservative present in the ingredients. Read food labels and select wisely when following the Ultra Fit program at Coop's Health & Fitness. The Ultra Fit program is the healthiest nutritional program and produces the best results in fat loss, lean muscle gain, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, sustaining blood sugar levels, increasing energy, improving strength and affording a better quality of life.

To limit salt:

  • Do not use salt at the table.
  • Avoid canned and processed foods: soups, vegetables, meats, cheese, commercial breads, muffins, pastries and instant cereals.
  • Omit salty foods such as pickles, olives, sauerkraut, chips, crackers, T.V. dinners, hot dogs, luncheon meats, sausage, salt pork, chipped and corned beef, and commercial salad dressings.
  • Omit high sodium seasonings: garlic salt, onion salt, and seasoning salts, bouillon & soy sauce.
  • Omit prepared rice, pasta, and dried soup mixes, Hamburger Helper, and Shake & Bake type products.
  • Avoid fast foods.
  • Request no salt to be added to your meals when eating out.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday Inspiration

"Let us not become weary in doing good,
for at the proper time we will reap a harvest
if we do not give up."
Galatians 6:9

We live in a world of instant gratification.
We want results, and we want them now.
But the best things in life, don't happen overnight,
we must persist in order to reap the reward of results.

As you are changing your life through Ultra Fit,
you may be facing temptations to give up.
Maybe the rest of your family is not as supportive
as they could be concerning your new lifestyle.
It could be your friends who are wanting
you to indulge in some calorie-heavy
desserts on the weekends.
Or perhaps you are battling within yourself
concerning the disciplines of exercise
and good nutritional habits.

Remember the promise above:
If you will relentlessly pursue doing what is right...
you will be rewarded.
The weight will come off.
Your energy levels will skyrocket.
Your strength will increase.
Your cholesterol & triglyceride levels will come down.
Your blood pressure will be in the healthy zone.
Your blood sugar levels will stablize.
Your quality of life will improve.

The next time you are tempted to give in or give up....
Remember this promise.
It will keep you in the game!

Have a powerful day!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This Is a Great Day!

If it seems you've had a difficult week, then it's time to regroup.
Though this week you may have experienced certain difficulties up to this point, those difficulties do not have to define the weekend or your future.
The rest of this day and this weekend will be what you make it.
You can choose right now to make it positive and productive... and then you can be relentless in bringing that to fruition.
Those difficulties and frustrations that had you thinking this was a difficult week can quickly be left behind and exchanged for easier and happier days ahead.
You can in fact make this truly a great weekend by continuing your journey to Success!
Take a deep breath, and be sincerely thankful for the experience and the wisdom you've already gained today... Now point your energy in a positive direction.
Choose to make this moment a turning point.
Instead of allowing random events to control your attitude... select an attitude that will move you forward.
This is a great day and tomorrow through Sunday will be great also.
Beginning right now, you have what it takes to live that reality.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Today Is a Significant Day

You are rich today to an extent beyond anything you can imagine.
The portion of that richness that you do imagine, and accept, and bring to life...Is the richness you will experience on this very day.
You have traveled long and far to get to this moment.
Every step you've taken has increased the immense treasure of life that is now yours.
The joys and triumphs, the tragedies and disappointments, are all behind you.
Now is your opportunity to take the very best from them and carry that value with you as you move forward towards success.
There are more possibilities available to you now than there have ever been.
Every accomplishment, every setback, every brilliant move, every mistake has given you a way to grow more capable and experienced.
Now, here you sit at the culmination of it all.
And now you know, better than ever before, how to make it all into something truly great.
This very day is, in so many ways, the best day you've ever known.
And you are here now to fully live its abundant treasures.
Don't waste this day...It is a significant day, a day where you can make a differencein your future and the future of the people you care about.
Be Relentless in pursuing success on this day and the days ahead.Success is only a few steps away.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Train Smart, Train Hard

The clock struck midnight, your neighbor woke you up shooting bottle rockets over your house, the big ball dropped in New York, and you have decided that 2009 is your year to revolutionize your life. Last year left a lot to be desired. The stock market drove you dizzy, the election left you feeling uneasy, you went a little crazy with your holiday spending, and your body weight continued to increase. You drag yourself out of bed, dig through your closet in search of your gym bag, and have determined to turn it around this year.

The only problem is, you made the same determination last year, and the year before, and the year before; in fact, you’ve made this same decision every year since you graduated college. How is this year going to be any different? If good intentions equaled results, you would have been there years ago, but as we all have heard, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

The secret to achieving any goal is the combination of both knowledge and passion. These are like the two wheels on a bicycle. If one wheel falls off, our journey will come to a sudden halt!

Knowledge is the front wheel of your bicycle. The front wheel is important as it provides both balance and guidance for the journey. Just as we steer a bicycle with handle bars that are connected to the front wheel, knowledge steers us towards our goals.

There is a proverb that states, "It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way." Zeal, all by itself, can be like a tornado: lots of wind, noise, and messes left behind! Knowing what to do is essential to improving your health and fitness.

Passion, or zeal, is equally important though. It can be compared to the back wheel of the bicycle. This is the wheel of power, as the back wheel is connected to the pedals. Without this, no matter how nice our bicycle looks, it's not going to go anywhere. Likewise, if we have all the knowledge known to man, but no ambition, we're going to fail in achieving our goals.

Salvador Dali, once said, "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." Just as a bird cannot fly without its wings, knowledge takes us nowhere if we lack the drive to relentlessly pursue our goals. If knowledge alone could win the fitness battle, our country would not be in the midst of an obesity epidemic.

Changing one’s health equates to changing one’s life, and this is no quick and easy task. Old habits can be difficult to break and new habits are established through perseverance. If you are going to make 2009 your year to get fit, arm yourself with knowledge and search deep inside for the passion needed to see it through. If you are just starting out, or if you have tried before and fallen short, consider enlisting the help of a certified fitness professional as they will bring both the knowledge and the passion you will need to make it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Chickens and the Eagle

I was thinking the today about success and how it applies to us as individuals.

I mean, we're all pretty much the same, aren't we?

Dissect a Donald Trump or an Einstein, and you'll find nothing remarkable to distinguish them from any other human being on this wonderful planet.

And then I remembered this tale, which kind of explains it all:

A long time ago in a remote valley, there lived a farmer. One day he got tired of the daily routine of running the farm and decided to climb the cliffs above the valley to see what was there.

He climbed all day until he reached a ledge just below the top of the cliff; there, to his amazement was a nest, full of eggs.

Immediately he knew they were eagle's eggs and, even though he knew it was profoundly unecological and almost certainly illegal, he carefully took one and stowed it in his pack; then seeing the sun was low in the sky, he realized it was too late in the day to make the top and slowly began to make his way down the cliff to his farm.

When he got home he put the egg in with the few chickens he kept in the yard. The mother hen was the proudest chicken you ever saw, sitting atop this magnificent egg; and the cockerel couldn't have been happier.

Sure enough, some weeks later, from the egg emerged a fine, healthy baby bird. And as is in
the gentle nature of chickens, they didn't balk at the stranger in their midst and raised the majestic bird as one of their own.

The eagle grew up with its brother and sister chicks. It learned to do all the things chickens do: it clucked and cackled, scratching in the dirt for grits and worms, flapping its wings furiously, flying just a few feet in the air before crashing down to earth in a pile of dust and feathers.

It believed resolutely and absolutely it was a chicken.

One day, late in its life, the eagle-who-thought-he-was-a-chicken happened to look up at the sky. High overhead, soaring majestically and effortlessly, with scarcely a single beat of its powerful golden wings, was an eagle!

'What's that?!', cried the old eagle in awe. 'It's magnificent! So much power and grace! It's beautiful!'.

'That's an eagle', replied a nearby chicken, 'That's the King of the Birds. It's a bird of the air... not for the likes of us. We're only chickens, we're birds of the earth'.

With that, they all cast their eyes downwards once more and continued digging in the dirt.

And so it was that the eagle lived and died a chicken... because that's all it believed itself to be.
See, we're not really born chickens or eagles, predestined to fail or succeed. We are al labout as successful as we DECIDE to be, aren't we?

We become what we think about.

It's about YOU seeing YOURSELF now as theEagle you are!

It's about raising your eyesand seeing what you can become and BELIEVINGyou can become it.

It's about YOU learning and utilizing thesimple yet incredibly powerful secrets thatthe personal trainers you see all around you areusing day-in, day-out to effortlessly fuel thefires of their incredible and inevitablesuccess.

Just one last thing...

You weren't born a Chicken or an Eagle.

You make your own mind up about that.

Chicken or Eagle...

it's a result of your own choices and decisions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Life Returns the Favor

When you encounter resistance, it means you are moving forward.
When you come across a challenge,
it means you have reached the point where you can successfully meet that challenge.

Life becomes more rewarding as it becomes more demanding.

You are destined to achieve, and each successive achievement
positions you for an even greater, more challenging achievement.

Each new challenge is an opportunity to stretch beyond your previous limits.

Most of the rewards that you enjoy today, were born
in the difficulties you went through to acquire them in the past.

Every day brings a new way for you to more fully give of yourself.

It is by so giving, in ways that are familiar and in ways not yet imagined,
that you create the life you most sincerely desire.

In everything...there is treasure to be found.

The richest rewards are those that ask the most of you.

Your efforts create your Success.

Be passionate and relentless with each challenging effort.

Give your best to life...
and Life will return the favor!

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Habit of Success

What you do consistently and repeatedly grows stronger.
And that provides you with nearly unlimited opportunity.
Success is not a secret that is hidden from you.
Success is a habit that is readily available to you.
Life is made up of moment after moment.
Point all those moments in the same direction, and truly magnificent achievements will come about.
There are very few things of value that you can create instantly.
Yet when you expand your horizon to a few weeks or months, the possibilities for achievement increase dramatically.
The hours and the days will pass whether you make use of them or not.
Choose to focus your energy in a specific direction, again and again, and put the power of time to work for you.
Keep your thoughts, your words and your actions pointed in the direction you would most like to go.
Develop the habit of success, and with it you will create whatever you choose.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Embrace Today... You Are A Winner!

Expect good things to happen...
Circumstances will work in your favor when you're focused on finding the positive.
Expect the best of other people.
When they know what you expect of them, they'll deliver.
Expect the best of yourself.
And when the going gets tough, you'll have the strength to persevere.
Take responsibility.
The person you are, the things you have, the life you live is up to you.
You are in control.
Make it the best you can.
Put your goals into action and BE RELENTLESS IN PURSUING THEM.
Have the courage of your convictions.
If it is worth believing, if it is worth visualizing, it is worth doing.
Thoughts control your actions.
Actions control your life.
Look for opportunities to embrace...
Ones that will better your life and the lives of your loved ones.
The more people you serve, the more rewarded your life will be in every respect.