Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thursday & Friday Fat Loss Workouts

Thursday: Shoulders
Superset #1: 5 sets of 15
Hammerstrength Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Side Raises

5 minutes of interval cardio

Superset #2: 5 sets of 15
Cable Upright Rows
Rear Delt Flyes

5 minutes of interval cardio

Superset #3: 5 sets of 15
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Presses
Dumbbell Front Raises

Friday: Biceps & Triceps (I'm currently hitting arms twice per week)
Superset #1: 5 sets of 15
V-bar cable pressdowns
Seated Dumbbell curls

Superset #2: 5 sets of 15
Lying Dumbbell French Press
Hammer Curls

Got interrupted... and had to call my workout short as I had a client coming in soon.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Monday & Tuesday Fat Loss Workouts

Monday: Chest & Triceps
Superset #1: 5 sets of 15
Hammer Strength Chest Press
Cable Crossovers

5 minutes of interval cardio

Superset #2: 5 sets of 15
Incline Dumbbell Press
Cable Incline Flyes

5 minutes of interval cardio

Superset #3: 5 sets of 15
Overhead Triceps Cable Extensions
Dumbbell Pullovers

Tuesday: Back & Biceps
Superset #1: 5 sets of 15
Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns
Cable Rows

5 minutes interval cardio

Superset #2: 5 sets of 15
Bent over Barbell Rows

5 minutes interval cardio

Superset #3: 5 sets of 15
Seated Dumbbell Curls
Decline Crunches

October Is My Personal Fat Loss Month

Over the last few months I've been working to add some mass to my frame. So far this year, I've added about 15 pounds. Although it's mostly muscle, it is almost impossible to add mass without picking up some body fat. For that reason, I am going to focus on fat loss for the next four weeks. This means high-volume resistance training and clean eating.

I began this week at 197 pounds with a 20% body fat. Earlier this year, I weighed in at 182 and my body fat was 12.8% I'm interested to see what can be done in four weeks.

My workouts this week have been...
Sunday: legs
Giant Set... 5 sets of 15
  • Seated Leg Curls
  • Leg Extensions
  • Standing Calf Raises

5 minutes of interval cardio

Super Set... 5 sets of 15

  • Leg Press
  • Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

5 minutes of interval cardio

Super Set... 5 sets of 15

  • Squats
  • Wood Chops

Monday & Tuesday workouts coming soon...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Don't Dream It... Do It!!

Jesus said in Mark 9:23... "Everything is possible for him who believes."

Don't dream it, DO IT! The Nike sporting goods company used a very simple but powerful phrase in one of their ad campaigns, "Just do it."

I want to take a moment right now before you do anything else and simply ask the Lord to open your heart to hear this message today since it has to do with faith. Now...let me ask you a question. What is something that you have always dreamed of but have never done? Maybe it is to take control of your health and your life so you can fulfill a rich and rewarding destiny for your family and insure their future? Maybe it is to be the best at something...a career, a sport, helping others, perhaps.What is something that you have always dreamed of but have never done?

The writer of Hebrews defines faith in Hebrews 11:1 as, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Note the key words in this definition are: SURE and CERTAIN. True Biblical faith is not something we simply hope for, but we are SURE of what we hope for. True Biblical faith is not just a blind leap into the dark, we are CERTAIN of what we do not see. That is why Jesus told us that, "EVERYTHING is possible for him who believes." Not a few things, not certain things, not most things... EVERYTHING!

Today, I want to challenge your faith and encourage you to fulfill your dreams. As I share with you often, this journey through life is very short.We know the Bible teaches us that tomorrow is promised to none of us, that each day is literally a gift from God. We must treat each day as the precious gift it is and make the most of it. Too many people live their lives in those "ruts." You get comfortable in making life work for you on a daily basis and get locked into a routine that you rarely if ever deviate from. You complain how boring life is, how unexciting life is, when the problem is not life but the way you choose to live it each day!

Over the past 16 years, a pastor I know of has ministered to and walked with hundreds ofpeople from 10 to 97 in the final days of their life. In almost every case the person shared with him their regrets about things they had always wanted to do but didn't, a career they dreamed of but never went after.Now, in their final hours of this life they felt bad for not having taken the time or made the effort to see and do all of the things they had wanted to do.

Let me ask you again...What is something that you have always dreamed of but have never done?

Here is my word for you today, my challenge. Sit down with a paper and pen and answer the above question on the paper. Write down what it is you have dreamed of but never done. Maybe you always wanted to be successful at something but never believed or had faith that you could. Write it down. Maybe you have always wanted to be in great shape, fit and healthy,so you could live a better quality of life and spend more quality time with your family as you age gracefully. Write it down. There is not one person reading these words todaythat doesn't have something you have always wanted to do or some place you have always wanted to visit. Everyone has a dream they have not seen fulfilled.

After you have written down what it is you have always dreamed of, take that paper and pray over it. Pray in faith that God is going to let you see your dream come true. God is not some magic genie in a lamp that we rub and make wishes to. However, God is the One who promised that, "Everything is possible for him who believes." God is the One who promised to, "Give you the desires of your heart." As a follower of Jesus Christ you have every right to hold God to His promises. There is no dream that is too big for God!!!

This journey through life is exciting, exhilarating, and can be a wonderfulexperience. What I find in so many lives I deal with each day is that theyhave allowed the trials and tribulations of this life to overwhelm them tothe point they have stopped dreaming. They are simply content with notliving in turmoil and have forgot how to dream, let alone believe their dreams can come true.

Your life, just like your relationship with the Lord will be exactly what you choose it to be. We ALL have to face the problems that life throws ourway. That is simply part of living in this sin-filled and fallen world.There are always problems, things that don't go the way we expect or like.The key is do you allow the problems of life to choke off your joy? Do you allow the trials you face to steal your peace? Do you allow the challenges of life to rob you of the abundance Christ promised you?

I want to encourage you to start living each day in faith, the faith that "everything is possible for him who believes." That doesn't just mean being victorious over the day-to-day trials of this life, but seeing your dreams fulfilled as well. I want to encourage you today to take the piece of paper you have written downwhatever you have always dreamed about and work to make your dream a reality! God will help you.

Don't listen to the liar Satan tell you that you don't have the money, you don't have the time, it can't be done, or any other lie he will tell you to discourage you. Who are you going to believe, the liar who says your dream won't cometrue or God who promised you that "everything is possible?"

This message today is MUCH deeper than just challenging you to make your dream come true. Once you do whatever it is you have dreamed about, once you make that dream a reality, you are going to want to make your next dream come true. After you see that dream become a reality, you will want to make the next dream come true. Over time, you are not just living life,you are making the most of each day and instead of simply dreaming, YOU ARE LIVING YOUR DREAMS EACH DAY! Don't dream it, DO IT!!!

Jesus promised us, "Everything is possible for him who believes."

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Interested V. Committed

There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results--unknown

Allow me to share with you the tale of two clients. Sarah (not her real name) needed to lose 40 pounds and desired a more energetic lifestyle so she could better enjoy her family, especially her young grandchildren. In eight weeks, Sarah found every excuse available to not follow the nutrition plan she was given, cancelled several of her training sessions, and was late to most of the other ones.

On the other hand, Sam (not his real name, either) wanted to get back in shape for a trip to his home in New York to celebrate his 40th birthday. He needed to lose 25-30 pounds and really wanted his chest to be larger than his midsection. In eight weeks, Sam lost 25 pounds, took five inches off his waistline, and got himself into the kind of physical condition that would make any 40-something proud.

Sarah and Sam shared many similarities as they began their programs. Each of them had a legitimate need to lose weight for health reasons. They also had external motivators, such as family, an up-coming birthday party, and a desire for more energy and better looks. In addition, each client was given a proven nutrition plan that has helped over 200 people in our area lose at least 100 pounds in the last two years.

What was the difference? At first glance one might conclude that Sam, being a male, had an advantage over Sarah. Although men do have the ability to lose weight quicker than women—the average male will lose 25-30 pounds in eight weeks with our training and nutrition plan, while the average woman will lose 20-25—this would was not the deciding factor.

The difference between Sarah and Sam is the distinction between almost every success and failure story concerning fitness. It’s the difference between being committed to fitness and just being interested. Sarah seemed very interested in being more fit. She joined the gym, signed-on with a trainer, shared how she wanted to change, and when in the gym she vigorously trained. However, once she left the gym, she never changed her eating habits and found it difficult to make it to her next training session. Sam, on the other hand, took his program to heart, followed his nutrition plan, and turned his desire for better health into a lifestyle. Sam was committed, while Sarah was merely interested in being more fit.

Contrary to a slogan I recently saw from a nutrition supplement company, Fit does not just happen. Fitness is the result of a commitment; a commitment to accept no excuses, to overcome every obstacle, to replace bad habits with good ones, and to settle for nothing less than positive results. Instead of being one of a myriad of the “interested,” pledge today to join the ranks of the “committed.”

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Going the Distance

What a shame it would be if the results you have worked to achieve required just a little longer to arrive than you were willing to wait.
How sad it would be for your ship to finally come in just a few minutes after you had given up and left the dock.
Success is built upon:
Success also requires:
It's useless to work for years toward a goal if you give up just a few days before the goal is reached.
There is no point in working through hundreds of obstacles if you allow the very last obstacle to stop you.
Go ahead, close the deal, finish the work and get yourself all the way to the goal you've chosen.
Take those last remaining steps so that you can embrace the Rewards and the Victory!
Rest when you are weary but do not quit.
Achievement belongs to those who can go the full distance.
If it's important enough to start, it's important enough to finish.
Be sure to always take the next step, for it could very well be the one that finally gets you there.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Your Thoughts

You are only as skilled as you think you are.

Yet you can always change your thoughts.

You'll be precisely as successful as you think you'll be.

And you can always change your thoughts.

Your thoughts are yours to direct and control.

And those thoughts will in turn direct and determine the reality of your life.

For the results you attain depend on your actions.

And your actions flow directly from your thoughts.

If your life is not what you'd like for it to be, then raise the level of your thinking.

It takes no physical effort from you,

just a willingness to think more highly of yourself and of what you can do.

Your thoughts alone will not make anything happen,

and yet they will precisely determine what you make to happen.

Think highly of your best possibilities, and you'll bring those possibilities to life.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Shift Your Weight Loss Into Overdrive!

Working out with weights will put your weight-loss goals into overdrive, and you don’t have to become a sweaty gym rat or body builder...But you do have to increase your lean muscle by strength training with an experienced Ultra Fit personal trainer.

If you want to get good results from your weight-loss regimen, then start pumping iron, and cut back on the cardio, fitness experts say.

Unfortunately, losing any significant amount of weight is hard if you don’t exercise - and the key is doing the right exercises to get the best results.

The importance of weight training in this process is often misunderstood.

According to the Mayo Clinic, weight training can help not only tone muscles, but improve your appearance and fight muscle loss that naturally comes with age. And it doesn’t take as long as you think. Your body will adapt to weight training and begin adding new muscle or rebuilding muscle that has been lost due to inactivity and aging within a few weeks!

More than just cardio

Everyone who wants to lose weight seemingly starts out in the wrong direction, doing cardio exercises, such as walking or running on a treadmill, riding a bike, things like that, all of which are fantastic but will not contribute to maximizing your fat loss results. However, by increasing lean muscle through weight training and proper nutrition, you will keep burning fat and calories, even after you stop your exercise routine for the day.

One pound of muscle mass added to your body can burn up to 50 extra calories each and every day. This keeps on working even when you are sitting at your desk.

Picture the possibilities if you took off five pounds of fat and replaced this with pure muscle.

When you are on carb or calorie restricted diet and eating 3 meals or less, you will lose muscle mass and fat, which causes your metabolism to slow. Then, the pounds likely don’t come off as quickly as you would like and you plateau. The key is to train with weights and eat more quality food with more quality meals each day.

No Need to Worry about Becoming Too Muscular

By hitting the weights and building lean muscle, you’ll burn the calories faster. And you can quit worrying about becoming a huge muscular specimen, such as those competitive weightlifters you see on TV...that comes from years of training and tremendous amounts of food.

Fitness experts assure that women won’t become muscle-bound because most of their bodies don't produce nearly enough testosterone to become bulky like body builders, says Phil Tyne, director of the Baylor Tom Landry Health and Wellness Center in Dallas.

'An ideal'

In fact, more women, even those over 65, are lifting weights than ever before as the desire for more attractive and healthy bodies and the worries about bone loss grow in their minds. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta says one out of every five women is pumping iron at least twice a week, a modest increase over the past 10 years.
Researchers want to see that number climb much higher by 2010.

"Women see this as an ideal they'd like to achieve, and it makes weight-training more approachable to women," says Teresa Moore, an exercise science expert.

Lifting weights will burn away the fat during your workout and will continue to do so after you have stopped exercising for the day. As you build up your endurance and can lift heavier weights with more intensity, you will burn more calories. The stronger you become the quicker those fat reserves will go away.

However, start slowly and utilize the services of an Ultra Fit personal trainer with years of experience and knowledge. Allow your Ultra Fit trainer to teach you and guide you so that you achieve the best results with minimal risk of injury.

Be careful to exercise properly and not jerk the weights or move too fast when lifting the weights. Also, lifting too much weight too fast can do more harm then good.

An Ultra Fit Personal Trainer will insure your Success!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fat Loss Misconceptions: #4

Cardio Is the Way to Go!

According to a recent University of Southern Maine study, half an hour of weight training will burn as many calories as running at a 6-minute-per-mile pace for the same duration. Pumping iron has two other benefits that cardio does not afford. First, it provides the added benefit of helping build muscle, which in turn burns more calories per day. What’s more, unlike aerobic exercise, lifting has been shown to boost metabolism for as long as 39 hours after the last repetition.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fat Loss Misconceptions: #3

All I need Is a Diet Pill.

Nearly all slimming aids are bogus and the only thing they will actually lighten is your wallet! Most of these supplements contain the following disclaimer: “for best results use in conjunction with a regular exercise program and a reduced calorie diet.” This is an age-old marketing technique: sell a pill with a promising outcome, but in order achieve desired results, require behavior modifications. Any thinking person would ask themselves, “If the regimen works, do I really need the pills?”

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fat Loss Misconceptions: #2

I Inherited a Fat Body and Am Therefore a Permanent Victim.

Sadly, we live in a society where it is easier to blame someone else than take responsibility for our lives. One of the easiest places to lay the blame is at the feet of our parents. However, science has shown us that our fitness is only about 35% genetic and 65% daily habits. This means that you can recondition your mind to learn new healthy habits that will help you compensate for your genes. While there is a small portion of our population with metabolic issues related to their genetic make-up (only about 1% of us—that’s right, 1%, as in 1 of 100), the vast majority of obesity is due to learned compulsive behaviors resulting in poor eating and sedentary lifestyle habits.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fat Loss Misconceptions: #1

We’ve all heard the saying, “You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” When it comes to weight loss, it seems that most of us have been fooled most of the time. Look around your work place, or even your local health club for that matter, and you’ll find frustrated people struggling to find the elusive secret to losing weight. What these people need to realize is that there is no secret, there is truth and misinformation. Fat loss misconceptions abound, and space will not allow us to consider all of them, but here are a few of the more prevalent ones.

#1 Overweight People Eat Too Much. The truth is usually the opposite! In consultations with weight loss clients, the vast majority have shared with me that they only eat one or two meals per day, and those meals are meager. At one time, I thought that most overweight people were in denial of their eating habits; but, research has shown that when a person eats only once or twice a day, their metabolism will slow down and the result will be weight gain. Overweight people have maladapted to their reduced activity level and frequently eat less than their lean counterparts.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


When you're not headed in any specific direction,
that's where you'll end up arriving...

When you have no specific goal in mind,
that's what you'll end up accomplishing...
nothing worthwhile.

When you give yourself a clear, specific goal...
your actions take on

That can help to make you more creative, resourceful, relentless and effective.
Set some specific goals for today.

Powerful forces, some of which you may not even realize or understand,
are set in motion by your intentions.

Before you start to move forward, decide for yourself exactly what it means to move forward. Before you begin to take action, be sure you know the reason for that action.

You'll accomplish much more when you clearly know what you intend to accomplish.

Set a goal...draw out your map or gameplan...

Friday, April 25, 2008


Impossible is just a big word thrown around by little men,
the blood suckers or leaches of life and hope...
who find it easier to live in mediocrity
than to explore the power they have to Succeed.

Impossible is a term used by the Dream Takers...
and embraced by the ones looking for an excuse to fail.

Impossible is a word that is
mocked and laughed at by the Dream Makers...
The ones that live to make this world a better place.

Impossible is not a fact.
"Impossible" is a dare for Winners and Champions of life.

Impossible is an opinion from underachievers.

Impossible is nothing.

Sooner or later you have to make a choice.

Leave behind your passion and your dreams...
Have the strength to look past
all the negative, discouraging and pathetic faces...

And look at Yourself and know that
You have what it takes,
You will prove them all wrong

Mr. USA John DeFendis

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Releasing the Past

I doesn't matter if you were the fat kid in high school, or the black sheep of the family, or the lazy teenager who hated exercise.


Those past problems are not serving you well in the present, and they certainly aren't going to help you achieve your goals for the future. If you let go of old conceptions of yourself,
you can maintain an open mind and be open to all possibilities.

It is important for you to let go of the past in order to re-create yourself in the present.
It is imperative that you focus on your vision, your goals and go after them with Relentless Pursuit,
never allowing anything negative to become obstacles.
Remember...Obstacles are those silly things that take our eyes off of the target
and minimize our vision for success.

FOCUS...Be strong and powerful, Be Confident...
And let's achieve all of our goals together!
Have a Powerful Day!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Go After Your Dream!

"When you have a dream...
You have to protect it.
When people can't do something themselves...
They tell you that you can't do it.
Go after your dream...
And prove them wrong!"

There are three kinds of people we must deal with as we pursue our dreams:

1. Dream Vampires... who, for some strange reason, do everything they can to suck the life out of your dream. Perhaps they are "jealousy-driven" or due to their own failures in pursuing their dreams, they want to see you fall short of your goals. They tempt you with desserts and lunches out, knowing that you have made a commitment to be all you can be. Although they know you are dedicated to hitting the gym several times each week, they try to dissuade you with other plans... because after all, you deserve a break. Beware... their intentions are not good.

2. Dream Vultures... who are more passive in their desire to see you fail. They hang around and watch until you stumble in your pursuit. Then they swoop in with those famous words... "I told you so."

Dream Vampires and Dream Vultures are negative people. The best thing you can do concerning negative people is AVOID THEM!! Do not give negative people any more time than is absolutely necessary.

Every person we interact with is either building us up, or tearing us down... spend time with those who build you up... which brings us to our third type of person...

3. Dream Visionaries...These are the people who believe in your dream, encourage you to pursue your dream, see your dream, challenge you to reach your dream and assist you in accomplishing that dream.

As your ULTRA FIT personal trainer, I am here to be your dream visionary! You have what it takes to accomplish the fitness goals we have set and it is my privilege to partner with you in your pursuit of becoming "ultra-fit."

Here's why your fitness dream is so important to me: Your fitness will enhance every other area of your life! Your relationships, your work, your leisure pursuits, your intellectual capacity, even your spiritual growth are all lifted to a higher level as ULTRA FIT delivers stimulated muscle, lower body fat, and more energy!

Keep your eyes on the dream, my friend! Together we will see that dream become a reality!

Have a powerful day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Resistance Training For Cancer Patients

A recent Canadian study on the
effects of Resistance training (weight training)
on breast cancer patients undergoing
Chemotherapy produced incredible results.

Researchers found that weight training improved
chemotherapy completion rates.
A properly executed weight training program
improved self esteem, physical fitness levels
and body composition and allowed
the patient's a better and more successful recovery rate.
The study showed that although cardio and weight training
both have advantages and benefits...
The resistance training produced broader
and more positive effects and was
found more tolerable during the chemotherapy treatment.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why Limit Sodium?

Why should I limit salt?

Too much sodium prevents the body from filtering properly which will cause your metabolic rate to slow down by working less efficiently. Sodium is a killer and anything high in sodium must be avoided. A diet high in salt can raise your blood pressure or may contribute to fluid retention, which makes your heart work harder, and may cause shortness of breath and swollen legs, ankles, and feet.

How much do I need?

Every protein food (egg whites, chicken, fish, meat, turkey) is naturally high in sodium but is necessary for a healthy diet to build muscle and lose fat. Therefore it is important to avoid any foods that have salt, sodium, sodium benzoate and any other sodium preservative present in the ingredients. Read food labels and select wisely when following the Ultra Fit program at Coop's Health & Fitness. The Ultra Fit program is the healthiest nutritional program and produces the best results in fat loss, lean muscle gain, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, sustaining blood sugar levels, increasing energy, improving strength and affording a better quality of life.

To limit salt:
  • Do not use salt at the table.
  • Avoid canned and processed foods: soups, vegetables, meats, cheese, commercial breads, muffins, pastries and instant cereals.
  • Omit salty foods such as pickles, olives, sauerkraut, chips, crackers, T.V. dinners, hot dogs, luncheon meats, sausage, salt pork, chipped and corned beef, and commercial salad dressings.
  • Omit high sodium seasonings: garlic salt, onion salt, and seasoning salts, bouillon & soy sauce.
  • Omit prepared rice, pasta, and dried soup mixes, Hamburger Helper, and Shake & Bake type products.
  • Avoid fast foods.
  • Request no salt to be added to your meals when eating out.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hydration: Why Water Is Important

Water needs to be considered an essential nutrient.
Because of easy access we take water for granted and do not realize the importance of proper hydration.
According to experts, water is ranked second only to oxygen as essential for life.
Your overall body weight is 2/3 water.
A person can survive about two months without food, but only a few days without water.
Water is the most abundant ingredient in the human body through all phases of growth and development.

Every system in your body depends on water to function.
Water is essential to your body's temperature regulation, keeping it cool through perspiration.
Water flushes out toxins and wastes.
Water is a major component of blood which carries nutrients and oxygen to and from all cells.
Water provides a moist environment for all body tissues. It is the major component of saliva and mucous which lubricates the membranes that line our digestive system beginning with the mouth. Mucous membranes in the nose and eyes function better when well hydrated.
Water cushions joints and protects tissues and organs like the brain from shock and damage.
Water helps maintain a healthy weight. It is hard to distinguish between hunger and thirst. If you feel hungry, drink some water first and then reassess your hunger status.

Water is an important part of your daily bodily functions, so it is important to continually replenish it.
Each day, your body loses 2-3 quarts of water through sweat, urination, excretion and breathing.
The body loses even more water if you exercise, live in hot or dry climates, consume high fiber diets, and consume caffeine or alcohol.
It is recommended to drink 8-10 cups of fluid a day,
adding more water if any of the previously stated situations apply.
Signs of illnesses, such as fever, vomiting or diarrhea, cause your body to lose additional fluids. In these cases, you should drink more fluids.
Bladder infections and urinary tract stones also require increased water intake.
On the other hand, conditions such as heart failure and certain conditions relating to the kidney, liver or adrenal glands may impair excretion of water and may require a limited fluid intake.
Consuming caffeinated beverages may be a concern because caffeine acts as a diuretic and can cause increased urination. Caffeine is found in coffee, teas, and many soft drinks.
Try to drink caffeinated beverages in moderation and focus on consuming more water.
To help increase your water consumption, try:
Adding lemon or lime to water. Drink no-calorie flavored water or Crystal Light
Eat foods that have higher water content like: cucumber & lettuce
Keep a water bottle handy.
Mix ice and Crystal Light in a blender to create a "0 calorie" smoothie.
Try decaffeinated tea or coffee.
Do not wait until you feel thirsty. It may already mean that you may be slightly dehydrated.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Low Down on Your Low Back

What am I describing? It is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the U.S. More than 70% of adults will be forced to deal with this at some point in their lives. In 2001, the World Health Organization declared it to be an official epidemic. A Duke University study concluded that Americans spend $26 billion a year trying to treat it. It is not cancer. It’s not heart disease. Neither is it the flu. If you guessed low back pain, you are correct!

One misconception about low back pain is that this malady is mostly due to over-exertion, accidents, and work-related injuries. However, recent studies have shown that it is actually the opposite that is true! The number one cause of low back pain is actually lack of movement and use. An evidence of this is the virtual nonexistence of low back pain in third world countries where manual labor is the norm. If over-exertion were the culprit, one would logically conclude that back pain is much worse in these underdeveloped countries than in ours.

Interestingly, though, low back pain is becoming more of a problem in parts of Africa. A June, 2005 press release by noted back pain expert Dr. Gordon Cameron sited a burgeoning back pain epidemic in Africa. The main culprit sited for the rise in back pain was not over-exertion; much to the contrary, the growing popularity of computers in third world countries is providing the same low back, neck, and joint issues that Westerners have dealt with for decades!

Low back pain is also a problem for many health club members. Even though this segment of our population exercises regularly, deal with low back issues. Oftentimes this is due to the neglect that many give to lower back and core training. We are dedicated to working out our legs, arms, chests, and abs. We are diligent to get in our necessary cardio. Yet in the grand scheme of our fitness pursuits, many of us manage to leave out the lower back. It’s not glamorous, and to be honest many lower back exercises are downright boring. However, if we neglect the spinal erectors, they eventually become the weak link in our muscle chain and the result of this is discomfort, then pain, and ultimately injury.

In order to combat this, every workout plan should include exercises to increase the strength and maintain flexibility in the lower back. One way to ensure that your lower back gets its fair share of work is to train your lower back every time you train your abs. A few good low back exercises that incorporate easily into your ab routine would include supermans, swimmers, bird dogs, and planks. Hyperextensions while lying prone across a stability ball are a good intermediate choice. Advanced exercises for the lower back would include hyperextensions and good mornings. As the lower back is strengthened, the pain attributed with it is diminished. For more information on these and other exercises speak with one of the personal trainers at your local club. Most will be more than glad to help you out.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Avoid Salt and Sugar

You need only about 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt (300 mg of sodium) to meet your body’s daily requirement.

This sodium should not come from salt but instead will be ingested from the protein foods that are included on the Ultra Fit diet. (Egg Whites, Chicken, Fish, etc)

Eating too much salt raises blood pressure. Most Americans consume 1–3 teaspoons of salt (about 2,400–7,200 mg sodium) per day. The experts advise that you limit salt.(sodium)

Sugar consumption in the United States increased from about 120 pounds per person annually in 1970 to 150 pounds per person annually (almost half a pound per day) in 1995. High intakes of sugar lower helpful HDL cholesterol and can elevate triglyceride levels, as well as increase the risk for type 2 diabetes and contribute to weight gain and obesity.

Studies dating back to the 1960s have shown that increased sugar intake raises the risk of developing coronary artery disease. The American Heart Association recommends limiting intake of sugar as much as possible. This means not only by doing the obvious (not adding heaping teaspoons of sugar to your coffee every morning), but also by avoiding foods with added sugars (such as sweetened soft drinks, processed cereals, etc).

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fat vs. Muscle

FACT: Muscle can never turn into fat and fat can never turn into muscle. It is impossible.

Lack of usage to a muscle causes the muscle to become small and weak. This is known as Muscular Atrophy.

Lack of movement to the body and poor diet causes more fat to store on the body.

When we have weak muscles it is harder to perform our daily tasks as well as any extra activities we like to do. As we carry more fat on our bodies (especially combined with weak muscles) we add more stress to our joints and bones. This is a frequent cause of back and joint aches.

Fat is a body tissue that requires very few calories to remain on the body. Muscle is an active tissue that is constantly burning calories even at rest. The less fat and more muscle on the body...the more calories the body will burn in daily activities, including sitting and watching television.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Is "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" Helpful for Weight Loss?


Is it permissible to use "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" on the Ultra Fit Program if I want to lose fat and weight?


John DeFendis, the creator of the ULTRA FIT Nutrition Plan states: "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter is not good for you when you are in the success mode of the Ultra Fit Program and going after your weight loss and fat loss goals.

"Every time I have extracted that product from people on their program...the results doubled and they got in better shape easier and faster...

"So, the answer is No...Do not use it if you are looking to make progress."

With this in mind, let's expand on this subject...
It is important to read the ingredients in each product you purchase as well as the Nutritional Values. Crafty mareketers have a tendency to hide certain nutritional, (or should I say "Un-nutritional" values).

Take PAM Spray for instance...The front label states that it has "0" Fat. But, when you look at the ingredients (the small print on the back label)...we learn tlhat it is 100% Oil.

How can a product made of 100% oil be considered "0" fat? Read further on the back label and you'll find that a "serving size" is 1/3 second spray! So, by standards set by the Federal Food and Drug Administration, the amount of PAM in a 1/3 second spray does not have enough fat in it to be considered fat.

Here's the problem: how do you press down the top button and release it within the 1/3 second window? I think it's humanly impossible. Even if you could do this... would you have enough PAM to do any good?

The point here is that with PAM can have it sparingly but do not spray the pan too long for it is 1 gram of fat for every second you spray the pan. That can add up fast.

As far as the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter"product...

One of the most frustrating things to me, as a fitness trainer, is to see people who work so hard towards fitness... getting duped by clever marketing tactics. The I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray is one of those things. Now....I'm not suggesting the folks who make that product are liars. They're not. I do think the idea of their product is incredibly deceptive though, due to the fine print.

Did you know that the I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray has zero calories and fat ONLY IF YOU USE 1.25 sprays.

WHAT!? Who does that? If you use any larger portion're spinning your wheels and not getting the results that you deserve from your workouts and program. And how exactly do you accomplish a .25 spray?

One teaspoon of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter bags 20 calories and 2 grams of fat. Most people never read that fine print. In fact, most folks I know claim to pour it on their rice, pasta, and bread because they truly believe it's a completely fat-free product. Who knows how many thousands of fat calories these poor people have been unknowingly consuming for years? Do you think it's fair and reasonable for them to advertise ZERO CALORIES on the front of the bottle?

When I lecture on fitness I always address this topic, and I can't tell you how many jaws come crashing to the ground when I drop this information bomb. The first looks I get are of shock. The second looks I get are of pure anger. Listeners feel cheated and they have every right to feel that way!

Here's the bottom line: it is important to read the ingredient lists which lists OIL as it's number two ingredient. But I still feel bad for the consumer, because they are led to believe the product is completely fat-free and can be used at leisure.

For more information on this or any other supposed "fat free" products, feel free to email me at

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Alli May Not Be Your Ally

Last year, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first officially sanctioned weight-loss drug to be sold without a prescription. The drug, Alli, became available last summer and is the lone government approved alternative to other over-the-counter remedies. Currently Americans spend around $1 billion a year on supplements that advertise fast weight loss.

Before jumping on “The Miracle Weight Loss Drug” bandwagon, there are some specifics we should explore in order to keep emotions from overriding rational thought. In other words, the more we know about Alli, the less likely we will be to buy into something that may not deliver the results we are seeking.

Alli is an over-the-counter version of the prescription drug Xenical, which has been on the market since 1999. It is not an appetite suppressant. Instead, it inhibits fat absorption by interfering with the digestive enzymes that convert indigestible triglycerides into digestible free fatty acids. The result is that some fat that might have been used as energy remains in the digestive tract until it is excreted.

Common side effects of this drug include loose and oily stools, fecal urgency, flatulence and incontinence. Dr. Jana Klauer, a weight-loss and nutrition specialist, stated that these side effects had been a deterrent to Xenical as a prescription drug. “I haven’t had much success with it,” Dr. Klauer said, “My patients just don’t like the side effects.” Another drawback is that by blocking fat absorption this drug is also, albeit inadvertently, inhibiting the transport of fat-soluble vitamins.

Is there a place for a drug, like Alli, in the fight against obesity? Perhaps there is, in cases of chronic obesity when it is used along with proper nutrition and exercise. However, when a drug is made available over-the-counter, those looking for a short cut to a better body will try it and possibly abuse it. Also, people who may actually benefit from it will be short-changed, as the guidance of a physician will be nonexistent.

Herein lies the real danger. If people believe a drug will prevent calories from being absorbed, a significant percentage will feel the drug allows for less dietary control. "I can have the extra cheese and sausage if I take my pill" is an inevitable conclusion that many in our overweight population will draw. As long as people seek solutions in a pill, our over-fat population will move farther away from taking responsibility.

What if those who will be tempted to buy into this simply reduced fat intake, instead of relying on a drug? What if they traded some of their saturated fat intake for healthy EFAs? What if they walked an extra mile a day, performed 15 minutes of resistance training, and increased their protein intake by 20%? In other words, what if they decided not to rely on a pill but to live responsibly?

Here’s the bottom line: there are no weight loss drugs that in and of themselves deliver a lean, fit, healthy body. The only places where magic potions work are in fairy tales! For those of us in the real world, lean, fit bodies are forged from sound nutritional habits and progressive exercise.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


It happens every Monday in every gym across America. No matter what city, no matter what gym, it’s the same old story. People pour through the doors, jump onto a treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike and begin an hour of paying for their nutritional shortcomings of the weekend.

It’s a practice that I call “The Cardio Confessional,” where far too many people have this insane notion that an hour spent spinning their wheels on a cardio machine can somehow absolve them of the excess calories consumed the previous day. These people seem to view exercise as punishment and so with sullen expressions they plod along, like a hamster in its wheel, getting nowhere.

Long slow aerobic training is the biggest practical joke in the fitness world. One would think that after all these years people would wise up and see that this exercise philosophy does not work. Marathon-type cardio sessions for the average overweight person are a prescription for disaster. We may as well tell them to go play in traffic! Of course, that’s basically what we are doing, all the while crushing their joints with excess weight and repetitive pounding, and delivering no real results.

But cardio fits our “more is better” philosophy. One woman once asked, “I started out doing five hours of cardio per week. No results. So I upped it to seven hours per week. Still nothing. Do you suggest I do more?”

No, I would not suggest that she do more. I would suggest that she be reminded of the definition of insanity: the idea that I can do the same thing over and over and eventually get different results!

If you are still inclined to believe that cardio is the be-all-end-all of fat loss solutions, consider the results of two studies conducted within the past year. The first, from Australia, showed that cardio did nothing for female fat loss, while interval training burned belly fat. The second, an American study, showed that even doing 300 hours of traditional long slow cardio in a year resulted in less than six pounds of fat loss in both men and women. That equals less than one-third of an ounce per hour!

There’s a better way. Take a peak in the weight room the next time you’re in the gym. Then compare the bodies there to the bodies on the elliptical. You’ll find the sculpted, lean bodies moving dumbbells and doing push-ups, and the plump “never changing” physiques spinning their tires on the cardio equipment.

If fat loss is your goal, you’ll burn fat, get lean, and boost your metabolism with resistance training. Follow your resistance training with a short interval cardio session that will amplify your fat burn and condition your heart and you’ll find yourself out of the cardio confessional and off to the fat burning races!

If you have any questions or comments about this article, feel free to contact me at