Friday, February 29, 2008

Is "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" Helpful for Weight Loss?


Is it permissible to use "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" on the Ultra Fit Program if I want to lose fat and weight?


John DeFendis, the creator of the ULTRA FIT Nutrition Plan states: "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter is not good for you when you are in the success mode of the Ultra Fit Program and going after your weight loss and fat loss goals.

"Every time I have extracted that product from people on their program...the results doubled and they got in better shape easier and faster...

"So, the answer is No...Do not use it if you are looking to make progress."

With this in mind, let's expand on this subject...
It is important to read the ingredients in each product you purchase as well as the Nutritional Values. Crafty mareketers have a tendency to hide certain nutritional, (or should I say "Un-nutritional" values).

Take PAM Spray for instance...The front label states that it has "0" Fat. But, when you look at the ingredients (the small print on the back label)...we learn tlhat it is 100% Oil.

How can a product made of 100% oil be considered "0" fat? Read further on the back label and you'll find that a "serving size" is 1/3 second spray! So, by standards set by the Federal Food and Drug Administration, the amount of PAM in a 1/3 second spray does not have enough fat in it to be considered fat.

Here's the problem: how do you press down the top button and release it within the 1/3 second window? I think it's humanly impossible. Even if you could do this... would you have enough PAM to do any good?

The point here is that with PAM can have it sparingly but do not spray the pan too long for it is 1 gram of fat for every second you spray the pan. That can add up fast.

As far as the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter"product...

One of the most frustrating things to me, as a fitness trainer, is to see people who work so hard towards fitness... getting duped by clever marketing tactics. The I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray is one of those things. Now....I'm not suggesting the folks who make that product are liars. They're not. I do think the idea of their product is incredibly deceptive though, due to the fine print.

Did you know that the I Can't Believe it's Not Butter spray has zero calories and fat ONLY IF YOU USE 1.25 sprays.

WHAT!? Who does that? If you use any larger portion're spinning your wheels and not getting the results that you deserve from your workouts and program. And how exactly do you accomplish a .25 spray?

One teaspoon of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter bags 20 calories and 2 grams of fat. Most people never read that fine print. In fact, most folks I know claim to pour it on their rice, pasta, and bread because they truly believe it's a completely fat-free product. Who knows how many thousands of fat calories these poor people have been unknowingly consuming for years? Do you think it's fair and reasonable for them to advertise ZERO CALORIES on the front of the bottle?

When I lecture on fitness I always address this topic, and I can't tell you how many jaws come crashing to the ground when I drop this information bomb. The first looks I get are of shock. The second looks I get are of pure anger. Listeners feel cheated and they have every right to feel that way!

Here's the bottom line: it is important to read the ingredient lists which lists OIL as it's number two ingredient. But I still feel bad for the consumer, because they are led to believe the product is completely fat-free and can be used at leisure.

For more information on this or any other supposed "fat free" products, feel free to email me at

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